Authorised by a Trade Union Credit Card

Encouraging thousands of underemployed individuals on minimum wages to join a union is a great idea.

A minimum wage sounds great in theory.  In reality, it is nowhere near a living wage, especially on a casual contract with inadequate hours of work and several debts to repay.

Encouraging thousands of victims of wage theft to join a union is also a great idea, except for the possibility that quite a few may usually be paid in cash to dodge tax and work much longer hours than their visas allow.

A unionised workforce of the lowest paid workers is a great idea for the associated lobbyists.  There is much money to be made from keeping wages low. 

A unionised workforce of the lowest paid workers is also great from the point of view of a senior union official with an overly generous salary, access to a trade union credit card and political ambitions.

The public knows that low paid jobs are usually boring jobs.  The work may even be detrimental to the mental health of the workers.

The people doing low paid jobs are often desperate for the money.  They are rarely happy with the work they feel forced to do in an attempt to survive from week to week.  They would much rather be doing other things with their time.  They may not earn enough on a regular basis to have access to credit at all.

Like the LobbyRule Party, Laybore keeps most of its policies right at the centre of the political spectrum.  It does do mainly for reasons of expediency when accessing expense accounts.

While Smirk and Gloat still want you to believe we will steal your ute if you vote for us, they forget that most low paid workers cannot afford to buy a second-hand fossil-fuel powered car, or the fuel for it.

We often forget that, too.  After all, our most influential members are on very high salaries and very generous expense accounts, even though they regard themselves as average Aussies.

Most low paid workers are unlikely to be able to afford to rent a safe vehicle or a decent house, or pay for a taxi fare or dental costs, or even a motel room on a cold night when homeless.

Like the LobbyRule Party, and most other political parties in Australia, we follow the advice of the Marquis de Tabloid in an effort to attract the votes of greediest and most bigoted swinging voters in marginal electorates.

We ignore the Naturals.

Unless you have had access to a trade union credit card for quite a while and/or the Marquis de Tabloid and his mass media minions have drawn attention to you in a smear campaign, you are unlikely to be eligible to be one of our candidates in any election.
